A preset package for Kustom Live Wallpaper
Dub Sak Special for KLWPKUSTOM LIVE WALLPAPER PRO IS NEEDEDAll presets made on Nova Launcher Prime. Nexus 5. A preset package starting off with 5 presets, it will eventually grow to have a total 20 presets. You can edit them to your liking, change color schemes. Whatever youd like to make it feel more personal. Those devices without soft keys, you may have to edit certain presets by removing the nav bar. Contact me for help if needed. None of these presets have the dock or persistent search bar enabled.Weather Komponents I use are by Support + and mowmo (+Morgan C) Shout out to them.Any and all feedback welcomed. Thanks for coppin a dub ✌V 2.4- added new preset, C.R.E.A.M. V 2.3 - fixed the issue with the new presets not showing (hopefully)V 2.2 - added 2 new presetsV 2.1 - fixed music controls in "X Cards"V 2.0 - added new preset, "X Cards"V 1.9- Added new preset, "Goo Slide"V 1.8 - New preset, "Card Slide" added. V 1.7 - New preset, "Ill Material" addedV 1.6 - Player has been updated and added the white version.